Montag, 8. Oktober 2012

Bonfires at Night

Well. Everybody who follows me on tumblr already knows my current obsession - Teen Wolf. God, it sounds sillier than it is. But yeah, here I am, writing fan fiction, slash fan fiction (sort of), and god, I don't even know what I'm doing. Also, it's the first time I'm actually seriously writing in English. But there's also a German version because I always have trouble deciding whether something sounds good or doesn't. 
Also, the last paragraph is sort of fucked up and hell, no, it's not finished, of course not. Yet. 

There are things Derek Hale knows. There are things he can be sure of. And these are the things he holds on to when nothing else is there to be sure of, to know. He is twenty-two years old. His family died in a fire six years ago. He is a werewolf. 
Derek doesn‘t trust persons, oh, he doesn‘t even trust himself. But he does trust truths, he does trust facts. And these things are facts. 
There are other facts in his live. One of them is Stiles. Although he doesn‘t admit it. 

Sometimes, Stiles saves Derek. He saves him when he‘s shot and when he‘s paralyzed and almost drowning. He saves him when he‘s trapped in a burning house and he saves him the nights afterwards.
Stiles isn‘t a hero.

(Except sometimes he is.)

Derek is on his back on cold, dirty stones. His ears are ringing and he remembers the woman‘s laughter when she tells him that they want Stiles. He doesn‘t know who they are and she‘s not going to tell him. They‘re not going to get Stiles is what he knows, though, and it‘s also what he tells her.

Gott, ist das immer eine Geburt, bis ich mich hier wieder eingeloggt hab, ohne aus Versehen einen neuen Blog oder Account zu erschaffen.
Wie auch immer. Das hier soll eigentlich nur ein Update sein, und sagen, dass ich von jetzt an vielleicht öfter auch auf Englisch posten werde. Irgendwie kann ich manche Gedanken besser auf Englisch ausformulieren.

Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2012

Thoughts on getting characters in character

Okay, das hier wird auf Englisch sein, weil ich es eben zuerst auf Englisch geschrieben hab und die Übersetzung ehrlich gesagt bescheiden ist.

It’s such a hard thing to do, really. I mean, most of the time we only get to know the characters from the outside (except for the protagonist, maybe), and let’s say we have this serious, cold-ass, “I-ain’t-got-no-emotions”-character. How do we know that when he’s in love, for example, doesn’t have “fluffy” thoughts like “omg, her nose is so cute and I love her freckles and oh my god, there’s mole right under her right ear and sfhkdh”. On the outside, he might still be like always but how do we know if those thoughts are in character? I mean, just because he doesn’t act this way doesn’t mean he can’t feel think this way, does it? Because I myself am like that, too. I think a lot of stuff the no one would expect from me, really, and if someone wrote a story where I’d actually acted the way I think or feel it would be totally out of character. 
Right now, I’m thinking about getting characters in character in fan fiction.
So my problem basically is: We might understand how a character deals with stuff (like, some actually go crazy when they’re in love and others remain normal or get quieter or something) but how do we understand how he thinks? Acting and thinking or feeling are two completely different things, in my opinion. So, back to our cold-ass character from earlier. We know he’s always quite quiet and doesn’t show his emotions. Can he still have thoughts like “I love her smile. Her teeth are so white and her eyes are so beautiful”? If someone comments and says “his thoughts are out of character” - how do we know if they’re right? No one has ever thought that character’s thoughts, so how do we deal with that?
God, I feel like I’m not making myself very clear. It’s just something I’ve been thinking about a lot recently.